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Varieties of Highbush Blueberries

One of the few fruits that are native to North America, highbush blueberry bushes produce the most familiar type of this succulent summer treat. These blueberries are the kind you'll typically find in your produce section. Wild or lowbush blueberries tend to produce smaller fruits when compared to the highbush. When planting highbush blueberries, consider varieties that work well with your geographic location.
  1. Hannah's Choice

    • Hannah's Choice highbush variety ripens very early when compared to other options. With medium-large berries, the bush can grow up to 5 feet in height. An average of 9 to 11 lbs. of fruit per season is obtainable from a mature bush, which produces flowers with a pink tinge in the spring.


    • Patriot highbush blueberries produce very large, firm fruits early in the season. The plant can grow up to 6 feet if left unpruned, but is described by the University of Maine as short with moderate growing vigor when compared to other varieties.


    • The Jersey variety of the highbush is an option for those looking for berries late in the growing season. Producing high yields, berry size is medium with a quality rating of fair. The sweetness of the berry develops approximately four days after turning blue, and premature picking can lead to a very tart flavor.

    Blue Moon

    • Blue Moon highbush blueberry bushes are a mid-season crop that produce large, light blue berries. The fruits have a reputation for holding up well in the refrigerator in comparison to some varieties. Berry production is concentrated into a two-week period. The vigorously-growing shrub can reach up to 6 feet in height.


    • Chippewa highbush blueberries provide an ideal option for those who live in very cold climates, as they can survive harsh winters. The bush reaches 3 to 4 feet in height when fully mature. Three to 6 lbs. of blueberries can be produced in a growing season. Berry size is medium to large with a very sweet taste.


    • The Northland highbush variety produces an early crop and with a bush growth of moderate vigor. A high yield of 10 to 14 lbs. of fruit can be achieved on mature bushes. Growing to 4 feet in height, the bush can withstand high winds, heavy snow and freezing temperatures.