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Winter Care for Patio Blueberries

Decorative, delicious and easy to grow, patio blueberries prefer an acid, humus-rich soil. Grow this small, mounding blueberry variety in 12- to 24-inch containers in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 4 to 8 and give it protection from harsh winter weather.
  1. Protect The Roots

    • The roots of container plants grow above ground and have no protection from freezing temperatures. To protect the roots from winter injury, water them thoroughly until the first hard frost. Choose a sheltered location, away from prevailing winter winds. Bury small pots up to the rim. Group larger pots together and mulch heavily with straw or leaves.

    Protect Above Ground

    • Protect dormant blueberry bushes with a 4- to 8-inch layer of straw mulch. Wrap the bushes in burlap to reduce moisture loss and wind burn. Protect plants from hungry deer and rabbits with a chicken wire cage.

    Spring Care

    • In early spring, move containerized blueberries to a full-sun location. Water thoroughly and apply a slow-release acid fertilizer when new growth appears.