Home Garden

The Best Care of Blueberry Bushes

Blueberries are lush, hardy bushes that produce small, juicy berries in midsummer. They can be tricky in the home garden, as they require specific planting dates and locations, and highly acidic soil. Like any other plant, blueberries require continuing careful -- and specific -- maintenance throughout their lifetime. Plant at least two blueberry bushes to encourage pollination, then give the bushes the best possible care to increase your home fruit harvest.

Things You'll Need

  • Mulch
  • Spade/hand fork
  • Fertilizer
  • Compost
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      Mulch blueberries immediately after planting with 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch like sawdust, wood chips, pine bark or peat moss, to keep the soil moist and warm. Turn decomposing mulch into the soil every two to three months to feed the blueberries and add a new layer of mulch. Maintain this layer year-round.

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      Water blueberries with at least 1 to 2 inches of water every week, and particularly during fruit production. These plants should never go dry.

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      Fertilize blueberries with 10-10-10, 12-12-12 or 12-4-1 fertilizer twice a year, in spring and then again when the bushes bloom. Use 1 cup of fertilizer at each feeding, spread in a 3-foot diameter circle. Follow manufacturer directions in regard to application.

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      Mix organic compost into the top 2 inches of soil in a 3-foot circle around each plant. Apply the compost every two to three months in the summer to maintain good drainage, moisture retention and organic content in the soil. Be careful not to damage blueberry roots during this process, and never add compost during the winter as it will stimulate new growth.