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DIY Trellis Netting for Fruit

Fruit plants like raspberries, blackberries and boysenberries live for many years to bear their sweet, juicy fruits. These plants also grow long, climbing vines during their lifetimes and require structural support for air and sun exposure. Left alone, the vines lay on the ground to rot and die. Build a trellis system for berry plants with alternative materials like trellis netting for flexible, healthy growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis netting
  • Spade
  • 6- to 8-foot stakes
  • 1-by-4 lumber
  • Ties
  • Wire
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    • 1

      Build your netting trellis in spring when the ground warms and thaws for easiest digging. Put the trellis up immediately after planting for best training and support.

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      Use the spade to dig 2-foot holes at the ends of each planting row to support stakes. Dig a third hole in the middle of the row, just behind the planting row, for security. Put the stakes in these holes, hold them plumb and fill the holes with dirt. To ensure the stakes are secure, tamp around the stakes, using a piece of 1-by-4 lumber or the handle of a shovel or hoe.

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      Wrap one edge of the netting around the first pole and use ties or clips to secure in place. Stretch the trellis netting to the next stake, then the next, 1 foot above the ground, to build the trellis system. Wrap the netting around each stake once. Cut and tie the netting at the last stake.

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      Run a wire through the top loops of the netting for additional support. Tie off the wire at the end stakes.

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      Tie the vines to the stakes and netting with soft cord ties for training and support. Secure the vines to the net as they grow so they grow upward and outward for best air circulation. Tie only main vines as the fruiting stems break easily.