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How to Prune Raspberries in Autumn

Raspberries that flower in summer should be pruned in early spring and after the final harvest in late summer or autumn. Pruning prevents branch overgrowth, conserves plant energy and prevents diseases and fungi associated with overcrowding. Routine pruning will promote strong new growth and larger, healthier, tastier berries.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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    • 1

      Prune all dead, weak, broken, infested or diseased canes down to ground level. Remove the branches and dispose of them.

    • 2

      Prune all canes that produced fruits down to ground level. Remove and dispose of the branches.

    • 3

      Cut back the remaining canes taller than 5 feet until they measure 4 1/2 to 5 feet, unless you already did so during the spring pruning. Cut right above a node.