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Planting Site for Blueberries

Blueberries are demanding plants where soil is concerned. It can take a year or more to prepare soil for blueberries, and it may be easier for some gardeners to plant them in raised beds or containers.
  1. Soil

    • Blueberries need a soil rich in organic material. Amend the soil by adding compost or other material before planting. A weed-free soil is essential. Weeding blueberry plants is difficult because of their shallow, easily disturbed roots.


    • Blueberries need a very well-drained soil. To test your soil, dig a hole 6 to 8 inches deep. After heavy rains, the hole should drain completely within 24 hours. Plant blueberries in raised beds that are 9 inches high and 4 feet wide if the soil does not drain quickly enough.

    Soil pH

    • Blueberries need a soil pH between 4.0 and 4.5. To lower the pH, work granular sulfur into the top 4 inches of soil four months before planting. Monitor the soil pH, and use granular sulfur as necessary throughout the life of the plants.


    • Blueberries prefer full sun but will grow in as much as 50 percent shade. Shade decreases the yield, so provide as much sun as possible.


    • Access to a water hose or other irrigation is essential. Blueberries need watering when rainfall is less than 1 to 2 inches per week.