Home Garden

Where to Plant a Gooseberry Bush in a Container

The gooseberry is not only a source of yummy pie ingredients but an ornamental landscape plant as well. Growing to a height of 3 to 5 feet, with an equal spread, it sports arching branches. The branches contain thorns, so be careful when working with the plant.
  1. History

    • Gooseberries were a popular food source during colonial times. While they have remained popular in England, other fruits have taken their place in the American home garden.

    Where To Plant

    • Choose a sunny planting location unless you live in an area with hot summer sun. In that case, plant the gooseberry bush in an area that has some afternoon shade. It also requires loose soil with excellent drainage. Work quickly when removing the plant from the container and planting it in the ground so that the roots don't dry out.


    • Gooseberry bushes are susceptible to fungal disease so it's critical that the planting location affords good air circulation. If planting more than one bush, space them 4 to 6 feet apart and don't plant other vegetation within a 3 foot radius of the gooseberry.