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How to Plant Blue Lake Bush Beans

Growing Blue Lake beans offers you a chance to harvest fresh green beans from your own vegetable garden with minimal maintenance. The Blue Lake bush beans not only mature in just under two months' time, but also are naturally resistant to bean mosaic disease which can destroy an entire crop to slowing or stopping pod formation. To plant your Blue Lake bush beans you'll want to provide fresh, nutrient rich soil and adequate spacing to get the greatest production from your plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Compost
  • Garden hoe
  • Garden stakes
  • Blue Lake bush bean seeds
  • Water
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    • 1

      Prepare a full sun garden bed by digging to 8 inches deep to loosen the soil fully, break up dirt clods and remove rocks, twigs and roots. Spread 3 inches of compost over the bed area and mix the compost with the garden soil thoroughly.

    • 2

      Use a garden hoe to drag a 2-inch deep trench down the length of the garden bed to form a row. Drag multiple rows, if desired, spacing each row 2 feet apart. Insert a garden stake into the ground at each end of the rows to mark them.

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      Place the Blue Lake bush bean seeds into the prepared trenches spaced every 2 to 3 inches after all danger of frost has passed. Push the soil in along the sides of the trenches to cover over the beans. Do not pack the soil down over the seeds, just cover them.

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      Water the soil with a spray setting to moisten it thoroughly without creating runoff. Check the soil daily and repeat watering as often as necessary to avoid letting the soil dry out. The seeds should sprout in one to two weeks.

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      Remove struggling seedlings once all the sprouts have reached 4 inches tall so only the healthiest seedlings remain spaced every 4 to 6 inches apart. Water the ground more heavily each time the soil feels dry along the upper inch.