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How to Grow Fava Beans in Hot Weather

Fava beans, also called broad beans, are a commonly grown garden legume. They are hardy, but love cooler climates. If you grow fava beans in hot weather, you need to take special care to ensure their survival. Talk to your local nursery to see what variety of fava beans is commonly grown in your area, and choose this for your garden. Keep fava beans as cool as possible by planting them in the winter or early in the year. Choose fast-growing fava beans to shorten the length of time they are in the heat.

Things You'll Need

  • Rototiller
  • Compost
  • Straw
  • Stakes
  • String
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      Prepare the soil by tilling it and removing large debris, like rocks and sticks. Work well-rotted manure or compost into the soil for fertilizer. Choose a cooler location that doesn't get much afternoon sun.

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      Plant the fava beans as early in the year as possible. In some hot climates, you can plant the seeds as early as February. In very hot climates, you can plant the seeds in late fall and grow the beans during the winter months.

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      Sow the beans 2 inches deep and 9 inches apart. Water the beans thoroughly after planting, and keep them moist during germination.

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      Mulch the soil around the beans with a thick bed of straw. This conserves moisture and helps keep the soil cool.

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      Water the plants regularly. Do not let them dry out. In hot climates you may need to water daily. Water in the early morning to ensure the water is absorbed into the soil before it evaporates.

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      Pinch the tip of the plant once you see beans on it. Remove the first two leaves from the top of the plant. This will help the bean plant grow bushier.

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      Stake the plants using staking sticks and string, to keep the stems from breaking.

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      Harvest by starting with the beans on the bottom of the plant, and work upward until all the ready beans are harvested. Continue harvesting the plant until it stops producing.