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The Effect of Carbonated Water on Bean Plants

Beans are often included in backyard gardens for the versatility of their fruit and ease of growth. Gardeners everywhere have searched for new and innovative ways to fertilize their bean plants in order to produce more bountiful harvests. That search includes trying effective methods, ineffective methods and some methods that seem simply strange. Watering plants with carbonated water falls into each of these categories.
  1. Bean Nutrition Requirements

    • Beans require ample fertilizer, both slow-release organic fertilizer added to the soil and additional fertilizer treatments throughout the growing process. Providing nutrition helps the beans grow large, develop a healthy color and produce ample fruit for harvest. Beans also require plenty of water to thrive and remain healthy. Soil should retain a consistent moisture level, though it should never be muddy or soggy. Proper nourishment and moisture levels obtained from the soil keep your beans productive and strong.

    Carbonated Water

    • Carbonated water is created by adding carbonation to distilled water. The process of carbonating the water also adds nutrients to the water, including phosphorus, potassium, oxygen and carbon. These nutrients produce stronger plant cells, increase production of foliage and bean pods and stimulate life processes such as photosynthesis in the beans. When carbonated water is poured over the roots of plants, these vital nutrients enter the plants' structure through the roots. The addition of these nutrients to your bean plants may increase their growth rate.


    • Using carbonated water as a fertilizer for beans is a straightforward process. Simply pour carbonated water around the base of each bean plant in the same way you would pour plain water over the soil. However, excessive carbonated water use in plants provides too much fertilization. Overfertilization in beans may actually lead to death of the beans over time. The best way to use carbonated water to encourage bean plant growth is to use it in place of water only once each week.

    A Word About Soft Drinks

    • Soft drinks contain the carbonation that is so beneficial to your beans. However, these drinks also contain loads of sugar. Plant roots are designed to absorb water as quickly as possible, but to absorb water with impurities slowly. Sugar in the water of soft drinks is considered an impurity by plants. This means the beans absorb water more slowly and actually absorb less water over time. Carbonated water helps your plants when used correctly, but sugared soft drinks only harm you plants and lead to their eventual death.