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Dwarf Bean Plants

Bean plants grow as dwarfs or runners (climbers). Dwarf beans grow on small, relatively contained, bushy plants, whereas runners grow more naturally on vines reaching as tall as 8 feet. Dwarf beans generally produce beans quicker and have a lower harvest compared to runners. Yet dwarf bean plants require less care and tend to produce better quality beans. Most varieties of beans can be grown as a dwarf plant, but certain beans are better suited for this growing method.
  1. Edible Pea Pods

    • Edible pea pods are a string-less variety. These plants generally produce a sizable crop when grown in conditions of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant adapts to most soil varieties. Plant seeds between mid-spring and early summer for best results. Pick immature beans during the summer when pods appear light green, dense and fleshy.

    Stamslabonen Purple Queen

    • The dwarf bean plant stamslabonen purple queen produces beans with purple colored pods. The pod's interior is green and fleshy. However, when the bean is heated, it changes from purple to green. Plant these beans anytime from mid-spring to early summer. They need moist soil and prefer areas warmed by the sun. You can harvest beans throughout the summer months.


    • Miracle beans are a variety of bush beans. Like most dwarf beans, miracle beans produce a high yield. This is a hardy bean plant that can tolerate extreme cold. Plant the seeds in a sunny location when the ground is warm such as mid- to late spring. According to Organic Garden Discovery, the plant frequently begins sprouting within two weeks of planting. Pick the beans within three months of planting.

    Butter Beans

    • Butter beans grow well as a dwarf bean plant. They are a bush bean variety known as lima beans. Butter beans have long, yellow pods and produce a bean of a starchy consistency. Plant them outside when the weather turns warm, ideally mid- to late spring or early spring if sowed in a greenhouse. Harvest them in the summer.