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Does Soil Make Bean Plants Grow Faster?

Beans grow in both bush and pole varieties, with small compact growth or long vining growth, respectively. The plants have specific soil, water and sun needs, regardless of variety.
  1. The Facts

    • Beans are summertime crops that need a warm-season start. Gardeners shouldn't put beans out into their gardens until after nighttime temperatures exceed 60 degrees Fahrenheit and all danger of frost is past.


    • According to Purdue University, beans grow best in soil that is well-drained, fertile and crumbly. Beans will suffer in tight soil that doesn't drain or in soil that doesn't offer enough nutritional support. Tight soil will restrict bean seed germination and root growth.


    • Gardeners should amend tight clay soil before planting beans with an amendment like loamy garden soil or organic compost. These materials encourage both drainage and moisture retention in the soil to encourage bean plants to grow to maturity quickly.


    • The University of Purdue also recommends that gardeners mix fertilizer into the soil at planting to give beans a better start. The university advises gardeners to use a complete 5-10-10 fertilizer in the top 6 inches of soil and warns that nitrogen-heavy fertilizers will encourage quick foliage growth but damage fruit set.