Home Garden

How to Grow Hydroponic Basil

Basil is a culinary herb that is a favorite among chefs for adding flavor to their recipes, especially among those that are preparing Italian and southeast Asian dishes. Growing basil yourself is a great way to have a fresh supply of the herb available whenever you cook. You may think that the onset of winter means you won't be able to keep your basil growing, but hydroponic growing containers and a light source will have you on your way to growing basil all year long.

Things You'll Need

  • Basil seedlings
  • Hydroponic growing container
  • Hydroponic nutrient
  • Florescent growing light (optional)
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      Purchase basil seedlings for transplant from a nursery.

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      Remove the seedlings from their containers and rinse the roots thoroughly. Hold the root balls of the plants under a light stream of water and use your fingers to work the root mass apart and remove the soil. Be especially careful to clean the area at the top of the root ball where it joins the body of the plant.

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      Place four to five plants in each hydroponic container and add water as per the manufacturer's instructions for the particular container--usually just placing the root ball in a plastic mesh basket in preparation for being submersed.

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      Place the container in direct sunlight. A south-facing window sill works best. As an alternative, buy a fluorescent growing light, and place the container under it.

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      Fertilize the plants with a hydroponic nutrient at a rate of 1 teaspoon for every gallon of water, increasing the fertilizer 25 percent if you are harvesting heavily from the plants.