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How to Grow a Basil-Bush Spicy Globe

Basil-bush spicy globe, which is also known as Ocimum basilicum, is sometimes called spicy globe basil. It grows no more than 16 inches tall and develops a rounded form as it matures. It's available in green- and purple-leaved varieties, both with highly aromatic leaves that add flavor to many dishes. Small white or pink flowers develop in middle summer and last until fall. Basil-bush spicy globe grows best in full sun and moderately fertile, fast draining soil. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture Zones 5 through 9.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Pruning shears
  • Water-soluble fertilizer
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    • 1

      Clear a space in the garden of all grass and weeds.

    • 2

      Dig a hole two times the width and no deeper than the root ball of the basil-bush spicy globe plant. Place the roots into the hole and carefully replace the loosened soil.

    • 3

      Water until the soil is damp down to the roots.

    • 4

      Check the soil often and water when the surface is dry.

    • 5

      Cut the foliage back once every two to three weeks to encourage the growth of new, more flavorful leaves.

    • 6

      Feed every two weeks with water-soluble fertilizer.