Home Garden

How to Prepare Gourds for Planting

Although gourds are closely related to pumpkins, these inedible plants are grown strictly for their ornamental qualities. The fruits come in a variety of shapes suitable for containers, birdhouses and other uses. The rinds harden into their durable form after the fruits are picked and cured. Growing gourds from seed gives you access to a wide variety of types, but the seeds germinate slowly and poorly unless properly prepared. Even after preparation, a gourd seed can take up to six weeks before it germinates.

Things You'll Need

  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Bowl
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      Rub the side of each seed near its point with fine-grit sandpaper until the top seed coat is nicked but the inner seed remains undamaged. Scarifying the seed speeds up germination, especially for luffa gourd varieties.

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      Soak the seeds in a bowl of tap water for 24 hours. Soaking further softens the outer seed coat and encourages water intake so the seeds germinate better.

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      Sow the seeds immediately after soaking them. Plant the seeds in biodegradable pots indoors for later transplantation or sow them directly into a well-drained, full-sun garden bed after frost danger has passed. The planting depth varies, depending on the gourd variety, but 1 to 2 inches in depth is generally recommended.