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How to Design with Pansies

Pansies are very popular annuals with their cartoon faces and huge array of gleeful colors. Here are some suggestions on how to design with pansies in your garden.


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      Use pansies to fill in between newly planted perennials that will grow larger but are still too small for their space. The pansies will add cheerful color until the perennials can fill up the area.

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      Plant pansies as an edging to form a border. Planting annuals as a border will create a defining line between the rest of the garden and another area. It will be most effective if you stick to using the same plant variety and color for the whole edging.

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      Create a whole annual garden with pansies or mix in some other annuals. In a garden devoted to annuals, you can have a whole season of riotous color. Make a design by using different colors or mix in some different textures with marigolds, zinnias, stocks or other annual plants.

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      Design pansies into floral arrangements in pots. Filling in the edges of pots will bring color to any potted garden. Fill window boxes with pansies to brighten up the exterior of your house.

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      Pansies can take cool temperatures and can be grown in the winter in low frost areas. They do well almost everywhere in the spring and in climates that don't get very hot will strut their stuff all summer. Annuals will bloom more than perennials because they only have one season to set as much seed as they can and will not be saving any energy to regrow in the future. So expect lots of flowers from your annual pansies and paint your garden with their cheerful colors. That's the best way to design with pansies.