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California Garden Plants That Attract Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are not only the fastest birds in the world but also the smallest. The birds require good sources of nectar and a hence a wide variety of long blooming plants to keep them coming to the garden. California is home to a number of hummingbird species including broad-billed hummingbird, xantus's hummingbird, violet-crowned hummingbird, blue-throated hummingbird and Anna's hummingbird. A range of native California plants are good for attracting hummingbirds to the garden.
  1. Western Columbine

    • Western columbine (Aquilegia formosia) is native California plant that works as a hummingbird magnet in the garden. Western columbine is a perennial groundcover that grows to a mature height of about 2 feet. The plant is easy to grow and blooms with dangling red flowers with yellow inner petals which attract hummingbirds and butterflies. The plant thrives in moist soil and areas of full sun or partial shade. In its native habitat western columbine is found in forest glades and meadows. In the garden, western columbine is popularly planted at the front edge of borders.

    Desert Willow

    • Desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) is a native California small shrub or tree, growing to a mature height of about 30 feet, which attracts hummingbirds. The plant is also referred to as desert catalpa and belongs to the bignonia plant family. Desert willow blooms with 1 to 1 ½ inch long, funnel shaped flowers from May to August. The flowers grow on the tips of nearly every twig in varying shades of purple with rose-violet streaks. Desert willow attracts hummingbirds and bees which use the nectar to make a white honey. The plant grows best in well-drained, warm sandy soil and has a rapid growth rate.

    California Wild Fuchsia

    • California wild fuchsia (Epilobium canum) is a California native which comes in different varieties with bright red or orange flowers. The flowers are rich with nectar and are very attractive to hummingbirds. The hardy plant blooms from late summer to fall and has a superior resistance to drought. California wild fuchsia, also referred to as California fuchsia, grows best in well-drained soil and full sun. The plant prefers fertile soil and has a low water requirement.