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Information About Celosia Flowers & How to Care for Them

Celosia is an old-fashioned flower with two distinctly different flower forms. Cockscomb types produce flower heads that look like colorful cauliflowers, and plume types produce 4- to 10-inch feathery spikes resembling astilbes. Both types come in a wide range of colors.
  1. Requirements

    • Celosias are at their best in hot, humid climates, and often become stunted at temperatures below 60 degrees F. They need full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly so that the soil never completely dries out.

    Starting Seeds

    • In warm climates with long growing seasons, plant the seeds directly outdoors when the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees F. Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep. Plant sizes vary, so thin to the recommended spacing on the seed packet. In cool climates start the seeds indoors in fiber pots six weeks before the last frost date. Keep the soil moist and cover with plastic wrap until the seeds germinate, which can take up to 15 days.


    • Celosia doesn't usually need fertilizer, but if you see that the plant isn't growing steadily a small does of fertilizer won't hurt.


    • Celosia looks better in groups than in rows. The strong colors often clash with other flowers so it's best to set them apart or use them with foliage plants. They make excellent cut or dried flowers and they also grow well in containers.