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How to Force Petunias to Bloom

Petunias produce full blooms in a variety of colors. Each flower is trumpet-shaped with at least five petals. Most petunias are a single color, although some bicolor varieties are available. These summer annuals flower from late spring until the fall frost and, when maintained correctly, provide unending color throughout the warmer months. Petunias often weaken in midsummer, leading to fewer blossoms or none at all. Proper cultural care helps force the petunias back into bloom and also improves the appearance of the overgrown foliage.

Things You'll Need

  • Shears
  • Fertilizer
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      Cut back each stem by half its length with a pair of sharp shears. Leave some foliage in place on each stem.

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      Fertilize the petunias with a balanced, soluble fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 analysis. Apply the fertilizer at the rate recommended on the package. Fertilize 2 to 3 inches from the base of the plants so the fertilizer does not get on the foliage and cause burning.

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      Water the petunias regularly, providing enough water so the top 6 inches of soil remain moist but not soggy. Petunias should return to full bloom within two to four weeks.