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Easy Wave Petunia Colors

Introduced in 1995, the Wave Petunia Series produces flowing waves of brightly-colored flowers, making it ideal for window boxes, raised beds and hanging baskets. Vines cascade over the edge of containers, reaching lengths of 4 feet or more depending on the cultivar and growing conditions. These trumpet-shaped flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds and bloom from spring until fall.
  1. Purple Wave

    • Chosen as the 1995 All-American selection, the Purple Wave petunia was the first of its breed. Plants reach heights of 4 to 6 inches and vines trail for 2 to 4 feet. Used as a ground cover, the Purple Wave creates a mass of color. As a hanging plant, it took the gardening community by storm with its abundance of blooms and rich color.

    Shock Wave Denim

    • This spreading Wave Petunia features tiny 1 1/2-inch blooms in shades of blue and lavender. It reaches heights of 6 to 8 inches and spreads to 3 feet. Used as a ground cover or added to hanging baskets, Shock Wave Denim creates a mass of color in sunny locations.

    Rose Wave Hybrid

    • This Wave Petunia sports large showy blooms 3 inches in diameter in shades of deep rose. Growing to heights of 4 to 6 inches and spreading 3 to 5 feet, Rose Wave petunias add intense color to the garden.

    Lavender Wave

    • Ironically, Lavender Wave doesn't come close to the color of lavender. It is darker and brighter than the Rose Wave. Growing to heights of 6 inches it spread to 2 to 3 feet and produces abundant blooms all summer.

    Pink Wave Hybrid

    • The Pink Wave Petunia features a white center that blends to the outer edges in shades of soft pink. It grows to heights of 8 inches and spreads to 3 to 5 feet. This petunia adds a touch of romance to garden beds and hanging baskets.

    Easy Wave Red Hybrid

    • These brilliant flowers grow 2 to 4 inches high and spread to 3 to 4 feet. These hardy petunias resist cold, heat and drought and produce abundant blooms until frost.