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What Is the Name of a White & Purple Petunia?

Petunias are one of the most popular flowering annuals of all. Its sun-tolerant, easy-to-grow and maintain characteristics keep petunias at the top of favorites list for many gardeners. If you're looking for a white and purple petunia color combination there are several hardy hybrids to choose from. Most are grown in greenhouses and shipped to your local nursery. Call ahead to ensure they carry your hybrid of choice. Otherwise, you can purchase or orders seeds and start purple and white petunias indoors.
  1. Rhythm and Blues

    • If you haven't been a big fan of picotee striped petunias, but desire a white and purple petunia, you might want to take a look at the Rhythm and Blues variety. The standard picotee petunia typicallly has a vertical solid color and white stripe. However, Rhythm and Blues features a white edge instead of stripes, adding to the lacy and frilly characteristics of petunia. The purple color of this hybrid is extremely vivid, and the plant is a vigorous growing trailer. Rhythm and Blues makes a stunning addition to flower beds, borders, hanging baskets and other containers.


    • Pinstripe is a relatively new and very distinctive petunia hybrid. The flower is a deep, dark purple that comes very close to black. The striping is much thinner than a picotee stripe, and makes the flower look as if it has a five-spoke, creamy white star, instead of the "beach ball" look common to picotees. Pinstripe is also a bit different in its growth characteristics. It grows in a more upright fashion, instead of trailing and mounding, and reaches a height from 8 to 12 inches.

    Blue Morn

    • Blue Morn is another choice for a handsome and striking petunia that is purple and white. The center of the flower is white and spreads to middle of the flower like the sun, where it meets with the purple color of the flower than flows to the edge. This radiant coloration is what gives the flower its name. The flowers are quite large and grow close together, giving the plant a compact and abundant appearance.

    Plum Crystal

    • Plum Crystal petunias are reddish purple, hence the plum part of the name. The white parts are more gradated or speckled, versus solid, as with other purple and white combinations. The purple and white gradiation creates a starburst look, with the plum color exploding from the center, surrounded by the gradients of white to reddish purple along the edges of the flower.

    Violet Star

    • Violet Star is a classic picotee petunia; however, the striping is not as pronounced as other hybrids. White predominates the flower, flanked by medium-size violet stripes that extend from the center of the flower to its edges.

    Petticoat Mix

    • If you're looking for a mixture of colors along with petunias that are purple and white, the Petticoat Mix could be just what you're after. Petticoat Mix includes purple-blue and white petunias, along with pink and white and velvety red and white petunias. The coloration is the opposite of Blue Morn. In the case of petticoat petunias, the color spreads from the center and takes up about two-thirds of the flower; the rest of the flower is white -- spread to the edge.