Home Garden

Clematis Trellis Sizes

More than 200 species of clematis exist, and more cultivars are produced every year. The blooms on a hybrid clematis can grow from 4 to 10 inches in diameter, and produce around 100 blooms. The size of trellis you need for your clematis depends on the variety of clematis you own. All clematis climb by twisting the petioles (a slender stem) around a support.
  1. Trellis Size

    • Ready-made trellises are available in sizes from 2 to 8 feet tall at any of the major home and garden center. Whether you own a clematis already, or plan to buy one, find out the potential size and hardiness of the plant. A vigorous grower requires a sturdy support to carry the weight of the vine. Although small clematis exist, most species and cultivars reach between 6 and 9 feet tall.

    Trellis Materials

    • A trellis fashioned out of copper or aluminum provides a sturdy support and won't rust. When purchasing a wood trellis for a support, make sure the wood is rot-resistant, such as redwood, cedar or cypress. Other acceptable options are synthetic lumber made from recycled plastic.

    Purchasing a Trellis

    • According to Margaret Wolf at Colorado State University Extension, "Supports must be thin and wire-like since this plant climbs by twining petioles that cannot grasp thick branches or heavy trellising." If you cannot find a wire-like trellis in the size that you need, making a trellis is another option.

    Another Option

    • If it looks like your clematis is going to outgrow the trellis, you can encourage the vine to spill over the top by sinking a narrow pole into the ground next to it. When the vine reaches the top, start training it to twine around the pole. Clematis will twine horizontally, and the streamers of stems and leaves will trail downward. When using a lattice or trellis next to a fence or wall, place it a few inches from the structure for ventilation.