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How to Control Vines

Vines are used for many reasons in landscaping, including as ground cover, living privacy walls and as a mask over unsightly fences or structures. They also can provide shade or add colors, scents and nectar from blossoms that emerge on flowering vines. Select from numerous varieties of vines, depending on your location and the specific use. The vine's life cycle, such as annual and perennial, and maintenance requirements should also be considered, including your plans for controlling the vine.

Things You'll Need

  • Support
  • Vine seeds or transplants
  • Soft ties
  • Hand shears
  • Shovel
  • Mulch
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      Install supports such as arbors, wires or trellises before planting vines to control their growing region. Use supports made from materials that will not rust or rot away quickly.

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      Plant vine transplants or sow seeds near the supports and water them well. Use soft cloth ties on young vines to train them to the supports or to control the overall growth pattern.

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      Pinch off the tips of vines that develop outside the desired growing area as needed throughout the growing season. This method will force growth on the lower regions of the vine.

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      Prune vines with shears to limit growth, to get rid of any frail or dead wood and to thin out the stems of dense vine varieties.

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      Trim weak or diseased vines back to a healthy section on the plant. Remove vine branching back to the point where the plant meets the stem or the region before dense growth is found.

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      Cut back vines used as ground cover to a height of 5 or 6 inches every few years to improve the appearance and encourage new growth.

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      Add a thick layer of mulch (at least 3 inches) in areas you do not want the vine to invade.