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What Evergreen Vine Is Compatible with Kiwi?

Kiwi plants have not been a huge success in the U.S., mostly because of their sensitivity to cold. Hardy Kiwi vines (Actinidia arguta), on the other hand, are becoming more common and are hardy between U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 and 7. These vines are deciduous, but pair them with an evergreen vine for year-round greenery.
  1. Considerations

    • When selecting an evergreen vine to pair with kiwi, look for one with the same growing requirements. Kiwi thrives in full sun or partial shade and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions. Keep the soil evenly moist to dry for best growth. Kiwi blooms early and may not produce fruit if nipped by frost. Plant it in a protected space, such as against a sunny wall or near trees or buildings. Kiwi can grow 25 feet or more and needs a heavy, large trellis to support it.

    Evergreen Vines

    • Only a few evergreen vines grow well in cold climates. If you live north of USDA zone 6, try English ivy or Euonymus. In warm climates, pair pink or white Armand's clematis with Arctic Beauty kiwi, which has lovely variegated white and pink leaves. Evergreen honeysuckle produces orange-scarlet to yellow flowers and only grows 8 feet long. Try Carolina jessamine for a fragrant vine.


    • Many vines, including kiwi, grow quickly and can become invasive. When two vines are placed together, they may compete for nutrients and water. Those with a twining habit, such as evergreen honeysuckle or fiveleaf akebia, may wrap around kiwi, smothering it. Prune vines severely in early spring to control their growth.


    • Rather than interplanting evergreen vines with kiwi, a better strategy might be to use only evergreen vines on areas that needs year-round coverage, and save the kiwi vine for a space that can be bare during the winter. The risk of damaging both plants by planting them together is high. Planted separately, you'll be better able to see and appreciate each plant's attributes.