Home Garden

How to Make a Birdhouse Out of Vines

If you are cutting back your vines or removing them completely, use the cuttings to create this charming little birdhouse. Vine birdhouses make sweet garden decorations and are much appreciated by your feathered visitors. You will need to dry the vines out, and then soak them before crafting your birdhouse. This will ensure that the vines do not shrink once they have been woven into a birdie chateau.

Things You'll Need

  • Vines
  • Pruning shears
  • Cardboard box, 8-inches square
  • Thin galvanized wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • Tongs
  • Twine
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    • 1

      Cut the vines into 4-foot lengths and trim all the leaves off. Leave small branches and tendrils for aesthetic appeal. Put the branches in the sun to dry.

    • 2

      Soak the branches in water when they are dry and hard to the touch. Wrap the branches around your 8-inch square box. Try to keep the square shape of the box.

    • 3

      Secure the vines to each other with the galvanized wire. Cut short lengths of wire and twist them around the branches to hold them in place. Use the wire cutters and pliers to secure the branches.

    • 4

      Cover the entire surface of the box, leaving a small 1 1/2-inch round hole for the birds to get in. Allow the vines to dry completely. This will help them to take on the shape of the box.

    • 5

      Wet the box and use the tongs to remove it from inside the birdhouse. Cut a 6-inch length of twine, turn your birdhouse so that it is diamond-shaped, and tie the twine though the top of the birdhouse so you can hang it in a tree.