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Bamboo Plants in the Northeast

Bamboo is a fast-growing and versatile plant. It is used for everything from floors to fabrics and is considered the be a "green" product. Bamboo plants used in landscaping are desirable for their exotic appearance and rapid growth rate. While some are tropical in nature, other bamboo plants can grow in and are native to the Northeast. These plants will thrive in areas as cold as U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) zone 4, according to the American Bamboo Society.
  1. Golden Grove Bamboo

    • Yellow or golden grove bamboo (Phyllostachys aureosulcata) is very cold-hardy, according to the University of Oklahoma. This tall plant can reach heights of 30 feet and is distinctive for the golden color of its canes. Golden bamboo grows best in full sun or light shade, but it can become invasive if not contained with barriers or in a strong container. In fact, they are known to break out of ceramic containers. Still, this bamboo makes an excellent privacy screen and is attractive with its slender yellow stalks and glossy green leaves. This plant can grow in all soil types as long as the soil is kept moist.

    Giant Cane

    • Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea) is one of three bamboo species actually native to North America. Often called switch or river cane, this plant can reach heights of over 20 feet and thrives in cool, moist soils. It is often found growing along riverbanks. This plant, which features long, thin leaves, rarely flowers, but the foliage is a favorite food of the southern pearly eye butterfly. Giant cane can be found growing from Florida to the northern reaches of New York.

    Chinese Mountain Bamboo

    • Fargesia nitida is a clumping bamboo. Unlike running bamboos, it does not spread unchecked, which makes it ideal for home gardeners who do not want to have to create a barrier around the plant. This medium-sized bamboo grows to a height of 12 feet and is hardy to 20 degrees below zero. Chinese mountain bamboo is unusual in that it grows slowly for a bamboo plant. On the plus side, this is one bamboo that will grow well even in the shade.

    Dwarf White Stripe Bamboo

    • Pleioblastus variegatus is a small bamboo that grows well in the shade and makes an excellent border plant. This bamboo features long, slender, green-and-white striped leaves which are quite showy. At only a maximum height of 3 feet, this evergreen bamboo, which clumps nicely, is a good choice for year-round interest in containers. Dwarf white stripe bamboo will grow in full sun or partial shade and thrives in moist but well-draining soils.