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South Florida Native Plants & Flowers for Butterfly Gardens

Gardens that attract butterflies need to have plants and flowers that produce nectar for the butterflies to drink. Native plants in the southern part of Florida are tolerant of high temperatures and lots of sunlight. Southern Florida has a good selection of native flowers that fit both bills and also provide for an attractive butterfly garden.
  1. Sunflower

    • The Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is native to most parts of the United States, including the southern part of Florida. Butterflies are attracted to this plant because of its nectar. A sunflower can reached heights as high as 15 feet and produces yellow flowers as big as 12 inches in diameter. It is called a sunflower because it looks like the sun with a disk surrounded by rays. It thrives in areas with full sun, high temperatures and soil with good drainage. It is resistant to drought, but will grow higher with regular watering. Sunflowers usually bloom in July. They are grown commercially for the oil in their seeds.

    Blue Mistflower

    • The blue mistflower, scientifically known as Conoclinium coelestinum, is native to southern Florida. It grows up to 3 feet high and blooms with flowers that are bright blue or violet in the summer and fall months. The flowers are approximately 1/4 of an inch in length. The clusters of flowers bloom at the top of the plant's branches, forming an flat-top shape. The blue mistflower attracts both butterflies and bees. It tolerates both full sun to light shade and has average water requirements. The blue mistflower is often used as a border plant or to fill in spaces in gardens.

    Butterfly Milkweed

    • The butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) grows throughout Florida. It produces showy orange flowers with nectar that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It is a perennial and bushy plant that is often grown from seed in gardens. Its clusters of bright orange flowers provide an eye-catching contrast with its stiff and lance-shaped green leaves. This native plant grows from 1 to 3 feet. The butterfly milkweed can tolerate both full sun and partial shade as well as high temperatures. It can also tolerate both moist and dry soil, making it resistant to drought.