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Organic Apricot Seeds

The apricot, or Purnus armeniaca, is related to the peach, which grows wild in the mountains of China, where it originated. Eventually, the fruit reached the Mediterranean and Spaniards brought it to California in the 1700s.

The apricot provides beta-carotene, vitamin A and fiber. But the apricot seed or kernel, closely related to the almond, is best known as a prime source of vitamin B-17 or laetrile. Some even believe that large doses of laetrile can prevent or treat cancer.

Today, organic apricot seeds or stones are in increasingly high demand as a crunchy, healthy snack or supplement. They are sought out for their B-17 and other vitamins, fiber and ability to boost the immune and cardiovascular systems.
  1. Characteristics

    • Organic apricot seeds or stones have a distinctive, bittersweet taste, similar to almonds. Some dislike the bitterness and grind up the seeds, mixing the powder with other ingredients for easier digestion.

      Apricot seeds are high in protein, beta-carotene and vitamin C. The large pit at the apricot's center must be cracked open to get at the seed or kernel. The pits should be kept cool and cracked open immediately before eating to ensure the best benefit.

    Uses for Apricot Seeds

    • Organic apricot seeds can be used as a spice, ground into a powder and mixed into smoothies, shakes or salads, or left intact and mixed with other nuts and seeds as a trail mix snack. The powdered form of apricot kernels can also be taken like other vitamins or supplements. Some also enjoy apricot seeds shredded to mix in with cereals, soups or vegetables.

      Health food stores generally carry sun-dried or roasted apricot seeds. Some proponents advocate eating only raw, untouched apricot seeds fresh from the fruit. Others claim processing makes the seeds easier to digest, removing bitterness and enhancing absorption of vitamins and minerals.

    Health Benefits

    • Organic apricot seeds are well known as a good source of vitamin B-17 or laetrile, as well as vitamins C, B and A. They are also believed to boost the immune and cardiovascular systems. The seeds or kernels are, like other nuts, high in fiber and protein. Vitamin B-17 is believed to help halt abnormal cell growth, possibly helping reverse deep-seated causes or sources of illness.


    • Proponents and providers of organic apricot seeds warn against eating them in large quantities because they can become toxic in excessive amounts. Another point of controversy with apricot seeds is that they hold traces of naturally occurring cyanide. The biggest controversy surrounding organic apricot seeds is linked to claims of vitamin B-17 being a supposed treatment for cancer. Some claim that consumption of apricot kernels is a good preventive treatment for cancer, especially in large doses. They view cancer as a metabolic disease, a notion dismissed by the scientific research and medical communities. The American Cancer Society says using B-17 as any form of cancer treatment is ill-advised, a form of quackery and not based on fact.