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Wild Plants in Redding, California

Redding is the county seat of Northern California's Shasta County and is located in an area with summer temperatures that sometimes exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter lows below 30 degrees are rare, so some native plants are subtropical.
  1. Types of Wild Plants

    • The list of wild plants in and around Redding is long. Included are columbine, deer fern, Camas lily, redwood sorrel, red currant, blue elderberry, several species of fir trees, horsemint, nettles, dandelions, grasses, silk tree, wild onions and many others.

    Endangered Species

    • The wooly meadowfoam plant (Limnanthes floccosa ssp. Bellingeriana) is an endangered species in and around Redding. It's a small plant with white flowers that has become threatened due to the construction of roads, houses and commercial development.

    Conservation Activities

    • The California Native Plant Society is instrumental in planning conservation activities in Shasta County and throughout California. This organization hosts an Internet message board where the public can discuss conservation issues. The society also participates in the development of state statutes, regulations and guidelines relating to native plants.