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Jordan Citrus Trees

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan lies between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. Within its 35,000 square miles, agriculture constitutes 3 percent of the country's gross national product, with citrus and tomatoes producing much of the harvest.
  1. Varieties

    • The Jordan Valley is an alluvial plain that the government irrigates. Eureka lemons are one of the citrus trees that farmers grow in this region. Jordan is the world's 37th largest producer of tangerines, according to data the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides on its website.


    • If you want to buy citrus fruit from Jordan in the United States or Europe, you will be disappointed because little export occurs. Factors including poor quality control, the high cost of transporting fruits and vegetables and substandard packaging have contributed to the failure of Jordanian agricultural exports.

    Other Agricultural Products

    • The northern part of Jordan and the Jordan Valley area produce bananas, melons, potatoes and vegetables such as eggplant, tomatoes, onions, olives, wheat, barley, chickpeas and lentils. Because Jordan is an arid country, farmers must supplement the meager rain with irrigation.