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North Carolina Composting Worms

Composting with worms, also known as vermicomposting, is the process of feeding organic matter to earthworms for conversion into compost. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service recommends that schools use vermicomposting for cafeteria food scraps.
  1. Housing

    • Place worms in bins made of wood or plastic. Use dampened bedding of shredded newspaper or peat moss. Provide worms with 1 square foot of surface space for every pound of organic material they will be fed each week.


    • Red wigglers (Eisenia foetida) are the best choice for vermicomposting in North Carolina. These worms can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Two pounds of worms can consume a pound of scraps every day.


    • North Carolina State University has a training center that offers hands-on workshops in worm composting methods. Vermicomposting is also being considered as a means of dealing with significant waste problems such as those created by the hog industry in North Carolina.