Home Garden

Is Gray Water Safe to Use on Food Plants?

Some individuals use water from baths and showers to irrigate their gardens. Because this is illegal in some states but acceptable in others, it can be confusing to determine whether reusing "gray water" is safe, especially in edible gardens.
  1. Definition

    • Gray water is any waste water from the home that has not been treated. It includes water from showers, bathroom sinks and laundry machines.


    • Reusing bathwater gives plants the moisture they need to survive when rain is scarce and sprinklers aren't allowed. If you follow precautions, it is generally safe to recycle this water. Be aware, however, that high soap or chemical content can harm plants. Water from a bubble bath is not ideal for reuse, nor is water with traces of cleaning agents. Mild and biodegradable soaps are best if you'll be reusing water. And when irrigating your garden, apply water directly to the soil, avoiding any contact with leaves.


    • Never use water from kitchen sinks, dishwashers or toilets. Avoid using water that has come into contact with grease, bleach, ammonia or other strong cleaning agents.