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Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Spots

Lemon juice benefits your skin. It not only possesses vitamin C and astringent-like properties, but the acid in lemon juice is enough to lighten dark spots and blemishes on your skin, according to Dr. Jerome Z. Litt of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Knowing how to use lemon juice to lighten dark spots gives you the ability to use the natural benefits of this citrus fruit in your beauty regimen.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 tbsp. lemon peel extract
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. kaolin clay
  • 1/2 tsp. distilled water
  • 1 egg white
  • Small wire whisk
  • Mixing bowl
  • Cling wrap
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      Add the powdered lemon peel extract to a mixing bowl. This material is rich in vitamin C and can be found in botanical supply shops or online.

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      Whisk in the lemon juice. Use it fresh from a cut lemon; prepackaged lemon juice also will do.

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      Add the kaolin clay, which is a natural clay popularly used in facial applications. It can be obtained in a botanical supply shop along with other beauty materials of this nature. Stir in the distilled water. This creates a thick, beige-colored paste.

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      Separate the egg yolk from the white over a separate dish. Dispose of the yolk and add the egg white to the dish of clay paste. Whisk it thoroughly for two minutes as it creates a slightly thinner, but frothier, paste. Cover the dish with cling wrap and refrigerate for up to a week.

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      Apply the lemon juice clay mask to your face, avoiding the areas around your eyes, mouth and nostrils. Use circular motions with your fingertips to spread it evenly across your skin. Leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it away thoroughly with lukewarm water. This lightens brown spots on your skin and acts as an astringent. It also tightens your pores and cleanses your skin, which brightens your complexion.