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How to Cut Foxglove Flower Blooms

With an abundance of pink and bell-shaped blossoms, the Foxglove plant is a welcome addition to any flower garden. In addition to its beauty, Foxglove also contains a chemical called Digitalis that is used to treat heart conditions, although it can be toxic in certain amounts. Foxglove is a biennial, and its show of flowers appear every other year. Its blossoms may be cut when they appear to make an attractive flower arrangement, or you can cut them as they fade to encourage more growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Shears
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      Cut a Foxglove stalk off at the base when multiple blossoms open if you want to use it in a flower arrangement.

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      Wait for the blossoms to fade and lose their bright color if you want to enjoy the flowers in your garden. When the blossoms have faded, cut the entire stalk off at the base. This causes the plant to grow more blossoms.

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      Pull off individual wilting Foxglove blossoms by hand to keep the plant looking healthy. This also encourages more blossoms to appear.

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      Leave a few flowers on the plant if you want the plant to self-seed this year, since this plant will not display any flowers in the following year. The parent plant's seeds will drop to the ground on their own and then germinate into baby plants in the spring. These new plants will grow foliage in their first year and flower the next.