Home Garden

Growing Verbena Imagination From Seeds

Verbena "Imagination" is a low-growing, heat-loving plant with feathery green foliage. It is drought tolerant and blooms profusely in violet-blue flower clusters. This hardy plant works well as ground cover, as a border planting, and even in containers and hanging baskets. Verbena is perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 10, and seeds can be planted outdoors after the last frost in these areas. In colder regions, verbena is used as an annual, and seeds should be started indoors eight to 10 weeks before the last frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Small and large potting containers
  • Ceiling screws
  • Chains
  • Clip-on light fixtures
  • Full spectrum light bulbs
  • Clear plastic bags or panes of glass
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  1. Outdoors

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      Select a site with full sun and well-draining soil. Ensure the ground temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Plant three or four seeds, at a depth of 1 inch, every 12 inches. When seedlings emerge, thin to one strong plant every 12 inches.

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      Water frequently to keep the soil from drying out. This may be daily or every other day, depending on the temperature and your soil type. The seeds can take from 10 to 20 days to germinate.

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      Water newly emerged seedlings daily until they are established. After that, water only when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.


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      Plant seeds in fresh potting soil in new or cleaned containers. Commercial potting soils are fine as long as they are well draining. You can use plastic flats, individual plastic containers, or even old food containers, as long as they are clean and at least 3 inches deep.

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      Moisten the soil in the containers, and gently pat it down.

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      Plant two or three seeds per container or section, if you're using a flat.

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      Place your flat or containers in a tray of water after planting, and leave them there until the soil has absorbed the water and is moist all the way through. Cover the containers with a pane of glass or place the containers in a clear plastic bag to help retain moisture. Verbena germinates best in the dark, so don't place the containers near any direct light source.

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      Remove the glass or plastic as soon as seedlings begin to emerge.

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      If you have a bright, sunny window, move the seedlings there. If not, you'll need to screw hooks into the ceiling above a table, and suspend chains from the hooks. Clip-on light fixtures are available at most hardware stores. These can be clipped to the chain, plugged into an available outlet, and moved up the chain as needed. Full spectrum bulbs work best for indoor lighting. Lights should be placed 6 inches above the plants and moved up as the plants grow. Keep the lights on for 16 hours a day.

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      Transplant seedlings as soon as the first pair of true leaves emerges. You can use the same type of potting medium in larger containers. Gently dig the seedling out of the small container, and hold it by the leaves to transplant it to the larger container. Gently tamp the soil around the plant, and water it lightly. Move the transplanted seedling out of direct light for a few days.

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      Begin hardening off your seedlings about two weeks before you plan on placing them in the ground. Put them outside in a sheltered location such as a deck, patio or porch. Start with a couple of hours a day, and gradually increase the time the plant stays outside. If temperatures get below 45 F, don’t put your verbena outside that day. This process helps get the tender seedlings used to the harsher conditions outside.

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      Plant your verbena outside when all danger of frost has passed and the ground is workable. Verbena "Imagination" will flower from May until the first fall frost.