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The Germination Period of a Peace Lily

The peace lily is a member of a group of plants known as aroids, and a South American native. In nature, the peace lily thrives in boggy, swampy areas in rain forests. In cultivation, it does surprisingly well in low-light, dry areas indoors, but it thrives when given lots of humidity, consistently moist soil and bright, filtered sunlight. Because the plant requires so much moisture it must be grown in a porous medium, and not standard potting soil. The seeds germinate, under ideal conditions, within 10 days.
  1. Preparation

    • Peace lily seeds require well-drained soil to germinate and build strong roots. Use either a commercial seed-starting or germination mix or create your own by mixing 1 part of sphagnum peat moss with 1 part pine bark or vermiculite. Mix the ingredients and moisten them well before loading them into the germination container. This container can be anything from an old yogurt container to a small pot, as long as it has holes in the bottom for drainage.


    • Although mature peace lilies tolerate low-light conditions indoors, the seeds require filtered sunlight to germinate, so don't cover them too deeply. Plant them on top of the medium and then use additional peat moss to provide a light covering. Use a spray bottle full of room-temperature water to mist the peat moss layer until it and the peace lily seeds are moist.

    Germination Period

    • Create a greenhouse effect around the seeds by covering the germinating container with plastic wrap or by slipping it into a plastic bag and sealing it. This creates humidity for the seeds and cuts down on the amount of watering you'll need to do to keep the planting medium moist. It's a good idea to check the medium periodically to make sure it remains moist. The peace lily seeds should sprout within 10 days.

    Seedling Care

    • Once the peace lily seeds sprout, remove the plastic wrap or bag and place the container in an area with bright, filtered sunlight where the temperature remains no cooler than 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the soil slightly moist at all times and use room-temperature water when you irrigate them. Once they have their third set of leaves, begin fertilizing them every other month. A standard houseplant fertilizer, diluted to half strength, is sufficient. Always apply fertilizer to wet soil.