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Information on the Vanda Orchid

Vanda is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) that contains about 50 species of orchids that produce beautiful, colorful blooms up to 4 inches across. The orchids require warm and humid conditions to thrive. You can grow Vanda orchids in the home or in greenhouses where climates are cold outdoors.
  1. About Vanda Orchids

    • Vanda orchids originated in tropical Asia and require minimum night temperatures of 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Vanda orchid flower stalks alternate on the stem, and flower petals and sepals are generally of a similar size. Flowers are produced on sturdy spikes and are available in a variety of colors.


    • The Vanda orchid flower colors include white, blue, pink, purple, brown, black and variegated patterns. Flower spikes produce between three and 12 flowers, and these can last up to three weeks. Vanda "Sanderiana" (Euanthe sanderiana) is a popular flowering Vanda orchid with brown, pink and purple blooms from spring to summer. This Vanda hybrid is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 11.

    Leaf Types

    • Vanda orchids are further classified by their leaf shapes. The strap-leaved type orchid has broad, flat leaves; the terete type has rounder, pencil-shaped leaves; and semi-terete types are hybrids with intermediate leaf shapes. Strap leaf and semi-terete types prefer semi-shaded locations at midday.

    Growing Vanda Orchids

    • Vanda orchids grow most easily in wooden baskets, as their roots can penetrate through to the outside. Vanda roots like unimpeded access to air circulation. Vandas should be potted in wood chips, such as pine bark, rather than soil. Your Vanda orchid will require regular, daily watering, although its roots should not be allowed to sit in water. It should be fed at least twice a month with a balanced NPK 20-20-20 formulation for best results.