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When to Plant Tulip Bulbs in Minnesota

Harsh Minnesota winters may make growing tulips more difficult, but it's not impossible to have a beautiful tulip-filled garden.
  1. Instructions

    • Wait until the soil temperature reaches below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the National Gardening Association, Minnesota gardeners can begin planting tulip bulbs as early as September.


    • The state of Minnesota lies in several different hardiness zones, which means that exact planting time may depend upon how far north you live or how close you live to the lakes. Check the Van Bourgondien Hardiness Zone calculator (See Resources) to help determine the best time for you to plant tulips.


    • Protect the bulbs from extreme cold by applying mulch or straw to the area one month after planting.


    • "Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine" suggests that Minnesota gardeners plant tulips deeper than package instructions, 8 to 10 inches deep, to help keep the bulbs insulated from the extreme cold. If the winter is particularly harsh, you might lose some bulbs -- so you may want to plant extras just in case.

    Time Frame

    • Exact bloom time depends upon the weather; however, the University of Minnesota's Arboretum indicates that tulips frequently bloom around Mother's Day in Minnesota.