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When to Plant Alstroemeria Bulbs

Alstroemeria, known as the Peruvian or Inca lily, is a South American native plant that produces orchid-like flowers in colors from light yellow or lavender to the darkest crimson. They are hardy in zones 7 through 11.
  1. Time Frame

    • Alstroemeria is planted in fall or spring where it is reliably hardy. The University of North Carolina extension recommends spring planting, but Western Australia's Department of Agriculture and Food cites fall as the common time to plant bulbs.


    • Members of the lilium family of plants require a cool dormant period before growth begins, so fall planting works well in areas where winters are cool but the ground does not freeze. In areas where the ground stays warm during winter and in zones 6 and 7, where plants are hardy only with mulch, spring planting fits dormancy patterns.

    Container Plants

    • Northern gardeners may plant bulbs indoors in containers during late winter for spring and summer bloom. The Missouri Botanical Garden's Kemper Center suggests bringing pots indoors for winter or digging the tubers and storing them in a cool, dry place.


    • Many Peruvian lilies, particularly the common Alstroemeria aurea, are vigorous growers and propagate rapidly. In locations that replicate their native elevations and climate environments, they can become invasive.