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Do Tulip Bulbs Multiply?

Tulips are a true bulb plant that can be left alone to re-bloom for several years. As they multiply, they tend to become overcrowded. Every three to four years, the bulbs should be dug up and replanted.
  1. Planting Depth

    • A tulip bulb should be planted at a depth three times its height. If the bulb is planted deeper, propagation, or the development of a new bulb, will be slower.

    Cutting Back

    • Once the tulip bloom fades, cut the flower stem back so that the tulip doesn't seed and the energy goes to the growing bulb and developing new bulbs. Let the leaves turn yellow and shrivel.


    • Overcrowded bulbs will show smaller flowers. Once the foliage has died back in the summer, the bulb goes dormant and can be dug up and divided. The bulbs can be replanted immediately. Inspect the bulbs before replanting.


    • Plant tulip bulbs in well-drained soil so that they multiply instead of rotting.