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Can Paperwhites Be Left in the Ground Over Winter?

Paperwhites are very fragrant and reach 12 to 18 inches tall. This narcissus is commonly forced indoors for winter color. Paperwhites are grown outdoors in U.S. Department of Agricultural plant hardiness zones eight to 11.
  1. Warning

    • Paperwhite bulbs that freeze in the ground do not live through the winter. This subtropical flower originates from the Mediterranean area and needs mild winter weather to survive. The bulbs are damaged when the temperature falls below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Time Frame

    • Paperwhites produce blossoms in December and January. Outdoor paperwhite flowers last up to 100 days in mild winter climates.


    • Paperwhite's natural life cycle begins in the fall with leaf growth. The bulbs produce flowers in the cool winter months. These flowers store up energy in the spring and go dormant in the late spring. This growing cycle coincides with the rainy, cool season in the Mediterranean area.


    • Paperwhites grow throughout the winter in hardiness zones nine through 11 without winter mulch. In zone eight, spread mulch around the paperwhite to protect the subtropical plant from cold temperature.