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How to Transfer Tiger Lilies

Tiger lilly bulbs multiply every season, growing into a cluster in a few years. They are big, some growing as large as a softball. Tiger lilies are extremely hardy in USDA plant zones 2 to 10, often surviving in old, neglected gardens. When leafy stems outnumber the flowers, it is time to divide the cluster of bulbs. Transfer tiger lilies in the fall. Wait until the stems and leaves have faded to a drab brown.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand trowel or spade
  • Bone meal
  • Tablespoon measure
  • Compost
  • Water
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    • 1

      Carefully dig up the tiger lily bulb cluster.

    • 2

      Ease the bulbs apart with your hands. There will be big ones and lots of little ones, bulblets, that may need a year or two underground before growing big enough to produce flowers.

    • 3

      Cut off the dead stems and leaves close to the bulbs.

    • 4

      Dig a hole or a trench twice the depth of the tiger lily bulb.

    • 5

      Put 1 tbsp. of bone meal in the bottom of the hole. Bone meal encourages tiger lilies to produce flowers.

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      Plant the bulbs with the pointed side up. Backfill with soil, tamping it down firmly on top of the bulb.

    • 7

      Water deeply.

    • 8

      Mulch the bulbs with compost. Compost provides additional nutrients for tiger lily bulbs and helps keep them cool, a condition necessary for optimum growth.