Home Garden

How to Grow Daffodils in Pebbles

Forced daffodil bulbs send up their graceful stalks and bright yellow flowers in late winter while the garden outdoors is still in slumber. Display the daffodils on the dining table, near a bright window or anywhere in the home that could use a touch of spring color. You don't need to fuss with soil and pots; the daffodils grow well in a small dish or tray filled with attractive pebbles and a bit of water.

Things You'll Need

  • Zip-top bag
  • Peat moss
  • Bowl or tray
  • Pebbles
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      Fill a gallon-size plastic zip-top bag with moistened peat moss. Bury the daffodil bulbs in the peat moss and seal the bag.

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      Store the bag of bulbs in a 35 to 50 degree Fahrenheit location, such as an unheated garage or in the refrigerator, for 12 to 16 weeks before potting. Daffodils require this cold period to break dormancy and send up flowers.

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      Fill a shallow bowl, dish or tray with a 2- to 3-inch layer of decorative pebbles or glass floral marbles. Push the wide end of the bulbs into the pebbles until they stay upright on their own. Space the bulbs 1 to 2 inches apart in the bowl.

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      Add water to the bowl until the bottom of the bulb just touches the water surface. Replenish the water every two to three days, or as necessary, to maintain the water level.

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      Set the bowl in an area that receives bright light, such as near a south-facing window. The bulbs send up shoots and flower buds within two to four weeks.

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      Move the bowl to an area with bright but indirect sunlight once the flower buds begin to open. Continue to replenish the water as necessary until all the flower buds have finished blooming.