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Zoysia Grass & Weeds

Zoysia grass is a hardy type of turf grass that has a natural weed resistance, which makes it good for ground cover and high traffic areas. Growing zoysia grass requires the proper type of soil preparation.
  1. Weed Resistance

    • Zoysia grass has a thick growth pattern that makes it more difficult for weeds to grow and become established in the lawn. Once zoysia grass has begun growing, weed problems aren't likely to occur.


    • Annual application of herbicides in the spring can help control any early weed growth that occurs before the zoysia grass has begun growing. Herbicides can help kill off weeds before they become a problem.


    • Although zoysia grass is effective at preventing the growth of crabgrass and other weeds, occasional weed problems can arise. Weeding by hand to remove the problem plants and their roots helps keep weeds in check.