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What Is Florida Grass?

While a wide variety of turf grasses will thrive in Florida, St. Augustinegrass is the most common throughout the state. This grass is adapted to the warm, humid conditions of Florida. All types of turf grass have the potential for disease development and pest problems, but most warm-season grasses will grow in this Southern state.
  1. St. Augustinegrass

    • St. Augustinegrass is adapted to most soils in Florida, and is tolerant of salt and shade. This turf grass is easy to establish from sod and a variety of cultivars are available to choose from. Floratam was released in 1973 and is the most commonly used St. Augustinegrass in Florida. Growing quickly in warm weather, Floratam develops a course texture, but is not tolerant of cold temperatures. Another St. Augustinegrass grown in Florida is Delta Shade, which was released in 2005. This grass is shade tolerant and produces a light green color. All types of St. Augustinegrass are susceptible to damage from Southern insects, such as the chinch bug. Brown patch, take-all root rot and leaf spot are damaging diseases that often occur in St. Augustinegrass.


    • Bahiagrass was introduced to the southeastern United States from Brazil in 1914. This turf grass is known for its low maintenance on infertile soils. Bahiagrass is a warm season grass that does not produce a lush, dark green lawn, but is popular because it is easy to maintain. Bahiagrass is extremely tolerant to drought because it forms an extensive root system, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. A disadvantage of Bahiagrass is the tall seed heads that grow throughout the spring, summer and fall. Mowing Bahiagrass is often more difficult than mowing other turf grasses because the seed stems are tough. Pensacola is a Bahiagrass that is used most often in Florida. Pensacola is drought resistant and tolerant of extreme weather. Bahiagrass is established through sod or seed and is best established in the spring and summer months. Dollar spot is a disease that can affect the health and appearance of Bahiagrass. Insects damage is most severe from mole crickets.


    • Bermudagrass is often used in Florida lawns, as well as golf courses, parks and sports fields. This grass is a warm-season grass that is adapted to the hot, humid conditions of Florida. Bermudagrass does not thrive under low light and grows best in Florida counties where the temperatures remain above 75 degrees during the day. Texturf 10 is a commonly used Bermudagrass that was first developed in 1957. This grass is known for its tolerance to wear and its early spring recovery. Santa Ana is another Bermudagrass that retains color in the fall, is tolerant to salt and provides a lovely deep blue-green color. This grass is often used on home lawns and athletic fields. Bermudagrass is susceptible to sod webworms, cutworms, armyworms, mites and white grubs. Diseases such as Dollar spot, brown patch and leaf spot often affect Bermudagrass, as well.


    • All Florida turf grasses must be maintained properly to produce a lush, green lawn. Mowing the n grass at the proper height is very important to lawn health. Cutting your lawn too close is known as "scalping," causes long-term damage to your lawn, and increases the risk of damage from pests and diseases. Mow your grass often enough to remove a third of the leaf blade each time you mow. Mowing your St. Augustinegrass and Bahiagrass is best accomplished with a rotary mower, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. A reel mower is the best type of lawnmower for Bermudagrass in Florida. Proper watering practices and fertilization are also important to the health of your Florida lawn. Contact your local county extension office for advice on how to care for your Florida turf grass.