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How to File PVC Pipe

PVC pipe is a strong, plastic pipe that is used to create certain structures. When creating the structures, the PVC pipe is generally connected to another pipe through the use of a fitting, or coupling. Sometimes the connection process can prove difficult, especially if both pipes are large and difficult to maneuver. If you find that connecting two pipes is too difficult, you may want to file down the edge of one of the pipes to make connection easier.

Things You'll Need

  • 6-inch file
  • Grease (optional)
  • Adhesive
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    • 1

      Apply your file to the side of the pipe you plan to insert into your PVC fitting. Since you are inserting the filed pipe, file its outer edge.

    • 2

      File the pipe at a 45 degree angle, making sure the entire edge of the pipe is evenly filed. Remember to file gently, as filing too hard may break the file.

    • 3

      Apply adhesive to the filed edge of the pipe. This will allow your pipe to stick to the fitting better.

    • 4

      Insert the pipe into your fitting. If you need to, apply grease to the pipe you are inserting to make the process easier.