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How Does a Pool Fountain Work?

Pool fountains are powered by pumps that push water up from below the pool's surface upward to the pool's surface. These fountains are usually decorative but they also benefit the pool by providing aeration. Aeration breaks up algae and other growths that can disturb a pool's ecosystem and appearance. The size and design of pool fountains vary. This variation provides pool owners with a range of choices suited for their specific pool preferences.
  1. Decorative Fountains

    • Decorative fountains, whether sited alone or placed within a pool, utilize the same equipment and construction principles. A pump is placed within a reservoir. The pump pushes water from the reservoir up a series of pipes or tubes. The tubes and pipes run the length of a sculpture or fixture and emerge at the top. The water is released and cascades from the top of the sculpture back to the pool's surface where it drains into the reservoir and is continuously pumped and recycled from reservoir to tubes to fountain to reservoir.


    • Submersible fountain pumps are powered by electricity so ensure that a power source is readily accessible. Run a power cord from the power source to the pump. If your pool design includes a fountain then plan to run the cord underground within PVC piping. If you have decided to place a fountain within a pre-existing pool then follow manufacturer instructions regarding cord locations and preparation. Pumps placed in ponds or pools need to be sited within a screened container located at the bottom of the pool. The screen allows water to enter the container and pump mechanism but keeps the water free of debris that can potentially clog the system.

    Pipes and Tubes

    • Tubes or pipes run from the pump's outlet valve and extend into the fountain structure. Copper tubes are suited for channeling water because they are noncorrosive. Their stiff design is suited for angular fountains. Abstract fountains, without a discernible shape, are suited for rubber tubes. Tubes and pipes usually measure 1/2 inch in diameter. Small tubes allow for high pressure water flow and better water visibility than large pipes and tubes.


    • Although fountains circulate water they should not be the sole aerator for deep ponds. Fountains tend to circulate best in shallow pools where they displace surface water. Deep pools require diffusers and aerators capable of moving large quantities of water from the bottom of the pool throughout all stratified water layers. These pumps not only regulates oxygen levels but temperature levels as well. Deep pools also depend on pumps and filters to remove unwanted bacteria and debris.