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How to Make a AAA Battery Load Dump for a Turbine Generator Bat Charger

When powering a wind turbine, a generator that runs on either AA or AAA batteries is the primary power source. However, through the use of an energy control system, you can not only force the turbine to power the generator when it is running, but also to dump power to a secondary battery charger. This procedure is known as a "load dump" and can easily be achieved with the proper equipment.

Things You'll Need

  • Energy control system
  • Secondary generator
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      Connect one end of your power cord to the input port on your control system, then connect the other end to your turbine. These power cords will come with the control system.

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      Connect one end of your next power cord to the output port on your control system, and connect the other end to the port on your AAA battery generator.

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      Connect one end of your next power cord to the secondary output port on the control system. Connect the other end to your AAA battery charger.

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      Turn the control system on. At this point, the turbine begins feeding energy to the primary generator when it is running. However, when the control system detects that the battery power in the generator is at maximum, it will begin dumping power to the battery charger.