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How to Build a Driveway Base

Building a driveway base is the first step -- and one of the most important steps -- in the driveway installation process. A proper base ensures the stability of the surface and allows underground moisture to travel away so frost heaves are not a threat. Building a base is a labor-intensive project you can do by yourself over a few days. Consider the drainage conditions and amount of weight the driveway will be exposed to so you'll be sure to create a base that's deep enough to support your pavement.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood stakes
  • String
  • Tape measure
  • Shovel or excavator
  • Hand tamper
  • Edge restraints
  • Hammer
  • 9-inch spikes
  • Grit sand
  • Board
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    • 1

      Identify the corners of the driveway and mark them with wood stakes. Tie a string around the top of the stakes to outline the area. Use a tape measure to verify that the width is at least 10 feet for one car and 16 feet to accommodate two cars side-by-side.

    • 2

      Dig out dirt and grass from the outlined space with a shovel or an excavator machine. Dig an expanse that measures at least 12 inches deep, and slope the bottom toward the curb so water will naturally flow away from the house.

    • 3

      Compact the subsoil by pressing the flat end of a hand tamper over the dirt floor until it is firm to the touch.

    • 4

      Shovel crushed rocks into the expanse and rake them over the entire site. Compact the rocks and continue adding them until the base layer is 8 inches deep.

    • 5

      Fit timber, stones or another strong edging restraint against the inner borders. If using strips of metal restraints, hammer 9-inch spikes through their slots.

    • 6

      Pour coarse-grit sand over the rocks and spread it with a flat board. Some sand will fall between the base rock; continue adding sand until you have a 1-inch thick layer.