Home Garden

Landscaping Planning Software

Landscape planning software ranges in types from commercial software for a professional landscaper to software designed for a do-it-yourself landscaper. Before you purchase, consider what features you will need to complete your project.
  1. Features

    • One feature that makes your software an integral part of the process is the ability to drag and drop images throughout your desktop design. You will need to be able to see where a deck should go or where certain trees or planting beds would look best. This gives you the opportunity to visualize your space.

    Editing Ability

    • Landscape software gives you the ability to make quick edits like removing landscape elements that you placed there earlier such as trees or pathways. Each of these images is in a layer that you can move, resize or delete without affecting the rest of the image.

    Third-Dimensional Capability

    • Some landscaping software programs give the user the ability to drop in photos, which gives the homeowner the advantage of being able to manipulate the plans with photos from his own yard. Additionally, it may also include 3-D capability to walk through the yard.